Gratin Dauphinois

  • Classic French menu,  FRENCH CUISINE,  Galettes,  Gratin Dauphinois

    Provincial Pleasures. Discovering the Regional Specialties of France

    Introduction: Highlight the Allure of Exploring the Provincial Specialties in France Bonjour! Welcome to the enchanting world of French provincial pleasures. In this guide, we are about to embark on a culinary journey through the diverse regions of France, uncovering the delightful regional specialties that make French cuisine so renowned and beloved. France, a country synonymous with food and joie de vivre, is a gastronomic paradise waiting to be explored. From the picturesque countryside to the stunning coastal towns and vibrant cities, each region offers a unique culinary identity shaped by history, culture, and local produce. Discovering the regional specialties is like unveiling a treasure trove of flavors, traditions, and…

  • Gratin Dauphinois

    Gratin Dauphinois 

    Gratin dafinua is layers of potatoes in cream sauce and Reblochon cheese on top, baked in the oven (recipe from Savoie). There are different versions of gratin, sometimes with bacon, sometimes without. My personal hit is the Alsatian version of gratin with local Muenster cheese (smells horrible, but is more wonderful in gratin than anything else!) and bacon (in Alsace, this dish is also called Tartiflette). Perfect during the cold season: nourishing and warming. It’s not sold at Christmas fairs for nothing! You can usually find it in restaurants for 15 to 17€.

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