
  • Classic French menu,  FRENCH CUISINE,  Galettes,  Gratin Dauphinois

    Provincial Pleasures. Discovering the Regional Specialties of France

    Introduction: Highlight the Allure of Exploring the Provincial Specialties in France Bonjour! Welcome to the enchanting world of French provincial pleasures. In this guide, we are about to embark on a culinary journey through the diverse regions of France, uncovering the delightful regional specialties that make French cuisine so renowned and beloved. France, a country synonymous with food and joie de vivre, is a gastronomic paradise waiting to be explored. From the picturesque countryside to the stunning coastal towns and vibrant cities, each region offers a unique culinary identity shaped by history, culture, and local produce. Discovering the regional specialties is like unveiling a treasure trove of flavors, traditions, and…

  • Galettes


    Buckwheat pancakes with different fillings (classic: cheese + ham + egg). My love from the first time. comes from Brittany and Normandy (every village there will have its own pancake house), but can be found many places. And there is a difference: in Brittany, such pancakes are made exclusively on buckwheat flour, while in Normandy they use a mixture of wheat and buckwheat flour. I personally like the Breton version better. The pancakes themselves are elementary: flour + water + salt. That’s it. But here are the results! These pancakes are usually eaten with apple cider from the pils. Tasty, traditional, and inexpensive. The pancake (with egg, ham and cheese)…